Everything Matters Podcast
Everything Matters Podcast
EPI #31 - 🤯 40X Your Lead Conversions 🤑, Vince Reed, Founder of Eboov
The result - significant increases in list building, which equates to increases sales opportunities and ultimately sales.
The money and power is in your list, but the fortune is in the follow-up. - Vince Reed
Vince Reed is a former athlete and mortgage banker turned marketing expert. His book, Internet Traffic & Leads: The Past, Present And Future Of Internet Marketing For Entrepreneurs Who Want To Win. In the book, he spills the secrets of his specialty of helping business owners generate leads on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Search Traffic sites like Google Adwords.
Vince cut his teeth in the digital marketing space after the 2008 Real Estate crash caused his entire world to come tumbling down as he lost everything, including his home and automobiles. With no marketing experience whatsoever, it through his unwillingness to quit and his undying commitment to his family, that he chose to bet on himself and he won! He has never looked back. He now runs a multi-million dollar marketing outfit that serves the business community in scaling their marketing efforts and exploding revenue streams.
Vince is a distinguished winner of Click Funnels' 2 Comma Club and 2 Comma X award, a dynamic keynote speak, author, coach, and just an enormous wealth of knowledge. I'm grateful that Vince stopped by to share his story and expertise with the Everything Matters Podcast family!
Let's get it Poppin'!
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The Everything Matters Podcast is hosted by High-Performance Effectiveness & Leadership Development Coach, Bradford Speaks. Affectionately known as "Coach B", Bradford is the CEO and Founder of BeLegendary.Coach.
If you are a rising Middle or Senior level manager or Executive level leader who is looking to elevate your performance and become the most effective leader you can be, take action now and schedule your Free Performance Analysis with Coach B. We address areas such as Imposter Syndrome, Communication Skills, Team Building, and several other areas that will show the value you provide for the organization's success.
Our CIA Performance Effectiveness Coaching Model is designed to drive performance results significantly faster than other methods. Be an extraordinary leader...a Legendary Leader.
Remember, performance is the best way to shut people up! -CoachB