Everything Matters Podcast
Everything Matters Podcast
EPI #30 - The Lowdown Ugly About Black Men | Coach Michael Taylor
He calls himself an "irrepressible optimist". Coach Michael Taylor is an entrepreneur, author, coach, motivational speaker and radio show host who has dedicated his life to empowering men to reach their full potential. He knows first hand how to overcome adversity and build a rewarding and fulfilling life.
No stranger to diversity, Coach Michael was born in the inner city projects of Corpus Christi, Texas to a single mother with six children. Although he dropped out of high school in the 11th grade, his commitment to living an extraordinary life supported him in defying the odds.
Persistence, patience, and perseverance are what has driven his success and undergirds his drive to share his life lessons to heal and inspire others. At the behest of a terribly painful divorce, Michael faced the humiliation of bankruptcy and foreclosure. Alone and homeless, he contemplated suicide, but ultimately chose life.
Today he will talk to us about his latest mission and book, which are intended to Shatter The Stereotypes that surround black men in America. Michael Taylor’s book, Shattering Black Male Stereotypes: Eradicating the Ten Most Destructive Media-Generated Illusions About Black Men is a non-fiction work that opens up dialogue about ten of the most common myths of black men that the media portrays.
Join me in welcoming Coach Michael to the Everything Matters Podcast for an insightful, thought-provoking and invigorating conversation!
Video version on Everything Matters Podcast YouTube channel. Please consider subscribing, liking, commenting & sharing!
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Visit his website to learn more about him and his work with Shattering the Stereotypes
The Everything Matters Podcast is hosted by High-Performance Effectiveness & Leadership Development Coach, Bradford Speaks. Affectionately known as "Coach B", Bradford is the CEO and Founder of BeLegendary.Coach.
If you are a rising Middle or Senior level manager or Executive level leader who is looking to elevate your performance and become the most effective leader you can be, take action now and schedule your Free Performance Analysis with Coach B. We address areas such as Imposter Syndrome, Communication Skills, Team Building, and several other areas that will show the value you provide for the organization's success.
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Remember, performance is the best way to shut people up! -CoachB